Safety & Security Blog
The latest in employee safety, duress alarms, and lone worker security.
A duress alarm system is a critical safety feature for businesses, schools, and other organizations. Here’s how to select the right system for your unique needs.
Worker safety is of paramount importance within the manufacturing industry. Good safety records keep OSHA and other government regulators from knocking, and help to reduce the growing costs of workers' compensation insurance. But on a personal level, no owner, manager, or supervisor wants their workers injured. These workers aren't just a financial investment, they are the heart and soul of the company. Here are several reasons why your manufacturing facility needs to add a duress alarm system to your safety plan as soon as possible.
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Today's threats are growing by the moment. A wireless society means that more workers are doing their jobs remotely, while incidents of violence and terrorism grow continually. It's challenging to keep up with who is where, what they're up to, and when a worker might be in danger. In response to these trends, duress alarm systems have been developed to help organizations keep track of workers, check on their well-being, and allow workers to summon help when needed. This is what duress alarms are and how they can protect your most valuable asset -- your people.
Every day in the United States, an estimated 3.2 million teachers and more than 50 million students make their way to public and private schools. These figures don't even include all of the substitute teachers, administrators, helpers, bus drivers, and other staff it takes to run a full-time educational facility, nor do these numbers include the preschool, kindergarten, community school, and college campuses around the nation.
Unfortunately threats to college campuses have become common place in the United States. Bullying, Suicide and Self-Injury, Teacher Attrition, and Active shooters are all problems that campuses are facing.
While it's true that there is no law that prevents an employee from working alone, it's always important to understand as much about this type of situation as you can. From an employer's perspective, you are subject to certain rules and regulations that require you to create the safest possible environment for that employee at all times.