3 min read

Who is Generation Y and What Do They Want From Me?

Who is Generation Y and What Do They Want From Me?

You have had the same business model for the past 30 years. You may have some basic desktops to support email and internet access but you still feel that as long as an employee has a working phone, ink in their pen, and a fresh 100 page spiral bound notebook then they have all the tools that they need to succeed. Yeah, there has been some chatter in the past of employees putting in requests for technology upgrades or even asking if they can use their own mobile devices in the office but your business still sees a profit every month, so why should you create a budget for tablets, smart phones, and other “gadgets” when you have gone this long without them?

What Exactly is Generation Y?

Well there is a new wave of employees that are entering the workforce. Some are probably already part of your staff. More will come. These employees were born anywhere from the early 80’s to the early 90’s. They have grown up in a wireless world where they can obtain virtually any piece of information that they need in the matter of seconds. With the continuing growth of 4G internet speeds and mobile applications this new breed of employees carry specific demands and expectations for the companies that choose to employ them. Say hello to Generation Y. They are confident, energetic, and thanks to the resources that have been provided to them through technology, they are CREATIVE and you should hire them!

Better Understand Generation Y

In order to understand the needs of Generation Y it would be best to pick the brain of a millennial member such as your children, grand children or yours truly!  The one thing that’s clears is that employees that were either given updated technology or had the option to bring their own device (BYOD) to work were more motivated and ultimately performed much better than the employees that were given limited resources. According to a 2012 article in TIME, 3 out of every 4 workers globally will be millennials (another term used for Generation Y). We know that they want the latest technology but how does it help them perform better and how does your company profit from implementing these new policies? Let’s take a look!

Implementing New Policies for Generation Y Employees

  • Mobility = Flexibility:
    Generation Y is ready to ditch the traditional 9-5. This doesn’t mean that they want to work less it’s actually quite the opposite. With the option to use mobile devices, millennials can now work from anywhere at anytime. They can be inspired at any given place at any given time. That place is not always at their desk, especially on a nice spring day. Some of their most successful blog posts, email campaigns, and sales calls may have aken place on a lunch table near the bay or in their own house. Everyone has those certain “zen” spots where we feel most comfortable. Whether yours is at home, the office, or somewhere else, mobility gives us the freedom to reach our highest potential.
  • Getting Social:
    Some business owners cringe at the thought of using social media for their company.Sites like Facebook and Twitter can easily be thought of as of a place to discuss the latest Amanda Bynes mishap or the most recent Miley Cyrus twerk-a-thon. Although, there is a place for all of that, social media has its benefits when used properly in the workplace. In a recent article written by Ginny Soskey of HubSpot it’s stated that social media produces almost double the marketing leads of trade shows, telemarketing, direct mail, or PPC. With job titles such as Social Media Manager on the rise, it may be time to consider introducing your brand across a social platform. When searching for someone with a strong knowledge of popular social media communities, there is none better to consider than a Generation Y candidate.
  • Collaboration is Key:
    Some may assume that since the majority of today’s communication consists of status updates, text messages, and e-mail, this generation rather hide behind a laptop than collaborate in a team environment. This could not be farther from the truth. Gen Y workers love to have the ability to share thoughts and ideas with co-workers. Remember, they are far more creative than most which means that their outside the box methodologies can lead to exciting and dynamic ideas for your business. It would be beneficial to examine your current meeting rooms to see what kind of remodeling can be done to please your present and future staff members.

Promoting new policies to support the new generation of employees entering the workforce may seem inessential but opening yourself up to change can result in a surprising yet lucrative outcome.

Is your team prepared for Generation Y and BYOD? Make sure they’re prepared with this FREE ebook “10 Cybersecurity Mistakes your Team is Making.”

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