The Dangers of Killware
Killware is the latest — and perhaps scariest — cyber threat making headlines. Learn what killware is and why everyone should be aware of the dangers...
Cyber scores may become more common in the coming years. Find out what they measure and what benefits (and potential risks) they present.
Although many people — including those in the IT world — haven’t heard of cyber scores, they have been around for some time, helping organizations of all sizes better understand their existing security posture and identify concrete areas for improvement. Despite their relative longevity, cyber scores have never been especially popular or prominent within the cybersecurity field.
Some tech leaders believe that’s going to change in the coming years. They think that cyber scores are going to play an increasingly significant role in the future of cybersecurity by creating an objective, uniform measure that helps organizations of all kinds better understand how secure they really are. Still, some people worry that having a cyber score might open the door to bad actors who can suddenly create a wish list of easy targets with weak security measures. As we look toward the future, the question is: What might the cyber score look like and how will it be used safely?
The cyber score is, in theory, a universal, objective measure of an organization’s or an individual’s cybersecurity. The best analogy for it is to think of it like a credit score — but one that tells outsiders about your security instead of your finances. The idea is that the cyber score will even the cybersecurity playing field by creating a universal language that helps everyone understand what level of cybersecurity they have.
When it comes to actually calculating your cyber score, the process involves evaluating the risk presented by your various IT assets. That means analyzing your cloud data, assessing vulnerabilities, discovering and assessing all the IT and other assets in your business (including analyzing the security of devices used for remote work), and more. The process is very similar to that of a network security assessment. The main difference is that, with a cyber score the process ends with a numerical value instead of general insights.
The cyber score presents a number of significant benefits for those who understand its language. It can help with:
It’s very possible that as you’ve been reading through this article you’ve started to get a little concerned about what the cyber score might actually look like and whether it might actually invite more risk than it counters. That’s a natural concern. A broadly used cyber score — particularly one that is publicly available — has some pretty serious potential implications that need to be resolved before it can ever become mainstream.
While it’s great to have a universal language for cybersecurity, having your cyber score publicly available sounds pretty scary. After all, if the score is available to insurance companies, partners, and clients, it’s also available to bad actors looking for the easiest targets to attack. It’s all too possible that instead of offering added security, cyber scores could become wishlists for hackers.
If cyber scores become more popular in the coming years, as some IT leaders predict, it’ll be important to find a way to maximize their benefits without creating these new dangers.
We don’t know what the future holds in terms of the cyber score. It may continue to be something only a few companies rely on, or it may become a major, universal language within the field. No matter what happens with the cyber score, the best way to prepare for any eventuality is to have a strong cybersecurity posture from the start so that if you do ever get a cyber score, it’s a high one right from the start. The experts at Turn-key Technologies, Inc. (TTI) can help make that happen.
With 30 years of experience keeping organizations of all sizes and industries cyber secure, we have the know-how to help you make sure your infrastructure is secure now and into the future. Try out our free cybersecurity assessment tool to see what needs improving and then contact us to get started today!
Killware is the latest — and perhaps scariest — cyber threat making headlines. Learn what killware is and why everyone should be aware of the dangers...
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