How Large Public Venues Can Prep for Incoming Crowds
As the world starts to look a little more like normal, large public venues need to prepare for the return of crowds. That means strengthening their...
3 min read
Robert Elgart
Oct 18, 2022 4:16:49 PM
With large events back in full swing across the country, it’s time to make sure you’re prepared to meet guest expectations for everything from connectivity to security in your LPV.
One of the biggest markers of the return to some semblance of normalcy post-pandemic has been the re-emergence of major events in large public venues. From enormous concerts and sporting events to trade shows, conventions, and more, there’s no denying that people are getting back into the swing of things. For LPVs — whether concert venues, sports stadiums, or convention centers — that means meeting ever-increasing expectations from consumers for connectivity during events.
These challenges are not new, but they are heightened in a world that has seen so much change over the last few years. Addressing them takes proactive effort, but it’s an effort that will pay dividends if completed correctly. Luckily, recent IT developments have made building networks that offer pervasive, secure connectivity that meets guest expectations more possible than ever before. Read on to learn more about the importance of making these upgrades and how best to go about achieving them.
At a time when there are already eight devices connected to the Internet for every American — a number that will only grow in the coming years — large public venues face more high-density, high-capacity demands for connectivity than ever. The size and complexity of LPV networks makes meeting those demands a challenge, but it is a challenge that must be faced.
It’s not just about making your visitors happy as they attempt to scroll and post online during events; a slow network could interfere with opportunities to make money during events. Not only can you monetize your internet access through login pages with branding, calls to action, and more, a strong network can empower visitors to spend more money at your venue through online ordering.
Everyone knows that speed is the name of the game when it comes to everything nowadays. That includes vending at LPVs. Long lines and the possibility of missing parts of events can keep visitors from spending money on food and merchandise that they would otherwise have purchased. With a strong network, LPVs can implement mobile ordering that lets guests make purchases quickly from wherever they are and pick them up without waiting in line.
All of that translates into happier customers who are more likely to want to return and spend even more money at your venue in the future.
So how do you go about creating those strong networks?
Last year, we wrote an article talking about how WiFi 6E is changing the game when it comes to connectivity in LPVs. While there’s no doubt that this latest development in wireless technology presents exciting opportunities for LPVs including everything from significantly faster network speeds to heightened cybersecurity, taking advantage of those benefits requires more than simply purchasing new high-speed access points. Without the infrastructure in place to support higher network speeds, you’ll be paying for new APs without being able to access all of the advantages they promise.
Any LPV looking to upgrade its network should begin the process with a site survey, also called a wireless network assessment. During the survey, network experts will evaluate your venue and your current network infrastructure to determine how many access points you need, where to put them, where you might experience interference, how to work around that interference, and what infrastructure upgrades are necessary to maximize connectivity from your new APs.
Whether part of that site survey or not, it’s also important that LPVs evaluate their structured cabling infrastructure to see if it is capable of supporting the stronger 6E connectivity. Simply put, cabling is one of the most important — and most overlooked — elements of any network design. If it isn’t well-maintained, well-organized, and able to carry the workloads the rest of your network components are generating, it can quickly become your network’s weakest link. If you’re still using 20-year old copper cabling, it won’t matter how many new access points, switches, or routers you install, your network connectivity is unlikely to improve.
In short, if you want to offer the best possible network connectivity in your LPV, it’s essential that you get a site survey and look into your cabling before potentially wasting money on new access points.
As people return to large public venues, it’s important that these spaces meet their demands for network connectivity. Achieving that can be a challenge given that no two LPVs are the same and their density demands are unlike practically any other space. To meet the challenges of 2023 head on, LPV leaders need to turn to partners with the expertise and experience to transform their spaces, like Turn-key Technologies, Inc. (TTI).
With decades of experience designing, installing, and securing large public venues, we have the know-how to transform your network into one that meets and exceeds your guests’ expectations for connectivity. No matter the layout or type of venue, we can perform site surveys, structured cabling upgrades, WiFi 6E and CWD installations, and so much more to keep your LPV both connected and secure.
Reach out today to learn how we can help your LPV tackle the challenges of 2023 head on.
As the world starts to look a little more like normal, large public venues need to prepare for the return of crowds. That means strengthening their...
Despite recent advances in wireless technology, many large venues continue to suffer from sub-par WiFi performance. To bring your event space up to...
Designing and implementing a wireless network that is equally reliable and secure can be a challenge in a large venue, but it’s possible with the...